Housing Committee

Housing Committee

The Lewisboro Housing Committee was established in April 1970 to administer the Middle Income housing program at Oakridge condominiums. Today, the Committee works with the Westchester County Department of Planning to review applications, help determine eligibility, communicate with applicants and conduct an annual survey of all units, owners and occupants of the MI units at Oakridge.  The Committee also assists Lewisboro officials, residents and others in sourcing quality affordable housing in Lewisboro for individuals and families seeking to live in town. The Committee seeks a balance of housing opportunities for Lewisboro, including for low-and moderate-income and differently-abled residents.

Anyone seeking more information regarding the Middle Income program, or with general questions about the Housing Committee, is welcome to email the Committee at housing [at] lewisborogov.com ().  The Committee Chairs make every effort to answer emails in a timely manner.