Lewisboro Management

The Phase II Stormwater regulations require towns like Lewisboro to implement programs and practices to control polluted stormwater runoff.  These have six minimum measures:

  • Public education and outreach on stormwater
  • Public involvement and participation
  • Illicit discharge detection and elimination
  • Construction site stormwater runoff control
  • Post construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment
  • Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for town operations

In December, 2007, Lewisboro passed two stormwater ordinances. Chapter 188,Storm Sewer System, addresses the detection and elimination of the illicit discharge of stormwater. Chapter 189 addresses stormwater management and sediment and erosion control. These ordinances are at the Town Code link https://ecode360.com

The Stormwater Management System Operator (SMSO) is the Town Highway Superintendent or other Town Board designated representative, or other public official(s) designated by the Town Board to enforce the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination code. The SMSO may also be designated by the Town to inspect stormwater management practices, systems and related improvements.

If you are concerned about a discharge to our waterways, or if you believe septic effluent or soap suds or any other illicit discharge is being directed into a storm drain or into any town lake, stream, or wetland, report this illicit discharge to the SMSO, the Highway Superintendent, Peter Ripperger at 914 763-3166 or highway [at] lewisborogov.com .

Stormwater Management Officer (SMO): As defined by town code, the SMO is an employee or officer designated by the Town Board to administer and enforce the stormwater code, and, in certain situations, review and approve Town stormwater permits and SWPPPs, forward applications and SWPPPs to the Planning Board, and inspect land development activities and stormwater management practices. The SMO may rely on the Town Engineer for the review of SWPPPs and to conduct inspections on his/her behalf. The SMO is the Building Inspector, Kevin Kelly, at kkelly [at] lewisborogov.com  or 914-763-3060.

You can see the stormwater actions taken by Lewisboro by reviewing the annual reports at the MS4 Annual Report tab in the column at the left of this page.