About The Advisory Board

 The Antenna Advisory Board was created in 1998 with the adoption of amendments to the Town's Zoning Code regulating communications facilities including buildings, structures, equipment, communication towers, antenna towers and monopoles. The Board conducts meetings as needed.

 The Antenna Advisory Board consists of five members who serve staggered five-year terms, and are appointed by the Town Board. Their duties include review of advancements in antenna technology, zoning ordinance compliance with Federal Communications Commissions rulings, and recommendations on applications for the construction of antennas. They will also advise on amendments to and enforcement of the provisions of the zoning ordinance relating to cellular towers.

The Antenna Advisory Board is also required by local law to publish in February a summary of the previous year's rulings and notices of proposed rule-making by the FCC affecting Lewisboro's zoning re: cellular towers, or an indication of where such a summary may be obtained. The summary must also include a list of previously proposed sites and all transmitting antennas installed in the Town, during the prior year, keyed to a map of the Town and illustrating the distribution of said antennas, a list of all pending applications, and recommendations to the Town Board regarding any amendment of the Zoning Ordinance regarding cellular towers.