Mission Statement

The purpose of the Committee shall be to provide advice on all issues relating to pedestrians and bicycling within the Town of Lewisboro, and specifically to work towards implementation of the Town of Lewisboro Bike and Pedestrian Plan adopted on 9/22/14 as an Addendum to the Town's Master Plan, or as it may subsequently be amended.

The overall goal of the plan is to connect people, by making it safe and easy for people to have bicycle and pedestrian access to all parts of the Town of Lewisboro, and ultimately to help make Lewisboro a more livable and sustainable community.

In particular, the plan's priorities fall into three categories:

  1. Removing obstacles for short trips to key destinations
  2. Connecting the hamlets - State Highways and the trail network
  3. Intermunicipal connections:  Collaborating with neighbors.

The Committee shall be composed of five members who shall be chosen for their interest in achieving these priorities, their preparedness to work on grants to aid in financing these efforts and their ability to investiate rights of way and negotiate easements.  One member shall be appointed by the Town's sustainability Committee to act as a liaison.

Additional members may be chosen for their knowledge of the Town's hamlets and other specific contributions.

Terms will be four years though initially they will be staggered by lot to reduce turnover in any one year.